My Travel Crush: Tosin

My Travel Crush: Tosin

  Hi I’m Tosin (@tosinfinityandbeyond) and I’ll love to tell you a little about myself. I was born in Gabon, raised in Lagos, Nigeria, Budapest, Hungary and Atlanta, Georgia in USA. I went to school in Chicago, Illinois and finished schooling in...
Visiting Giraffe Manor

Visiting Giraffe Manor

Tucked away out on the east coast of Africa lies one of the most unique accommodations one could ever experience. Nairobi, Kenya is home to the world renowned Giraffe Manor. The manor was originally built in 1932 but wasn’t officially turned into a boutique hotel...
Fat Girl Travel Tips

Fat Girl Travel Tips

Some of you may have never noticed this about me, and I completely understand because my awesomeness is overwhelming but.. I’m fat! Save your ‘what the health’ comments because all it does is make me want bacon and then YOU become part of the problem.  This post isn’t...
5 Things You Must Do In Bermuda

5 Things You Must Do In Bermuda

Bermuda is another world and believe me you will want to know why. From our crystal blue water with pink sand beaches to the breathtaking views, here are 5 ‘Must Do’ activities while visiting our beautiful island. 1. Boating Take a boat ride: this could be taking in a...
Stay-Eat-Do: A Snapshot Guide to Barcelona

Stay-Eat-Do: A Snapshot Guide to Barcelona

Barcelona was never on my bucket list. The opportunity presented itself last year when a dear friend of ours asked if we’d like to go for his birthday. Our desire to go was three-fold, well, four if you count I, and less so my husband love to explore new places. For...